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Thursday, May 2, 2024
ElectionsAn Interview with District 25 State Assembly Candidate: Anthony Phan

An Interview with District 25 State Assembly Candidate: Anthony Phan

Why are you running for State Assembly? 

I’ll spare the talking points; I’m running because I think I’d be an effective Assemblymember. 


What do you love most about District 25? 

District 25 is not only home to so many innovative companies, it is also one of the most diverse regions in California. To me, it represents the American Dream. No matter who you are, what you look like, where you came from; the possibilities are endless for you.


If elected, what would your legislative priorities be?

-Fighting climate change

-Making healthcare more affordable and accessible

-Making housing more affordable


What are some things you see that are happening in local government right now that inspire you? 

Young people running for office and serving on commissions.


Where should the state’s priorities be in terms of K-12 education? Do you have any proposals/ideas for increasing funding in education? 

State should take steps to break up the schools to prison pipeline. The money we spend sending people to jail for nonviolent offenses can better be spent towards schools. We should also look at continuing the revenue stream to education produced by Prop 30 passed in 2012.


Any proposals for bringing more affordable housing to our region? 

In order to build more affordable housing, we need to make it easier to build. I would support efforts to streamline applications that meet certain objective standards. We should also give local municipalities the tools to generate more revenue towards developing more affordable housing. 


Do you have any ideas that would help our state government function more effectively? 

Democracy functions best when everyone participates. Unfortunately, not everyone does. We should make serious efforts to make it easier for people to vote. 


What do you think the biggest issue is that’s impacting residents in our district, and how do you intend to help fix it? 

I think overall, the high cost of living impacts everyone in the Bay Area. I’d support a Universal Basic Income. It won’t solve everything, but it will go a long way.


What is something unique that you bring to the table?   

My track record of job creation and delivering results. 


What is something that not everyone might know about you? 

At the end of every council meeting, I look forward to coming home to my kittens.


What do you love to do in your spare time? 

What is spare time?


Anything else you’d like to share? 

I’m very appreciative of local news covering important issues like this. If you enjoy reading content like this and it has helped you become a more informed voter, show your support for local journalism by becoming a subscriber.


Where can people go to learn more about you? 



And finally, why should people vote for you? 

You can trust me to deliver results, because I already do so as your Councilmember. Serving Milpitas has been the honor of my lifetime, and it has been a very humbling journey for me. A journey of trials and errors, but also one of results. Together, we’ve raised the minimum wage, created thousands of good paying jobs, and built more affordable housing. I am so proud of the work we’ve done together, and I am ready to keep working for you in Sacramento.




  1. Anthony provides no detailed responses to any of the questions of what he would do if elected to the State Assembly. He lists out his legislative priorities without even specifying his plans for meeting such objectives. His answers are short, generic and vague, just like a survey you would take at the Great Mall. My two questions are: 1) Is this even considered a real interview for the Milpitas Beat to be publishing? 2) Is the bar for local politics so low that even someone like the interviewee, who doesn’t seem all that serious or informed to be running?


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