Ads, Sponsorships, & Marketing for Candidates 2022
In Election Years, The Milpitas Beat offers prime Digital & Print Advertising, Sponsorship, & Marketing Services to Milpitas, Silicon Valley, & San Francisco Bay Area Candidates
If you’re running a political campaign in Milpitas, Silicon Valley, or the Bay Area and you’re interested in advertising with The Milpitas Beat, you’ll find we offer unique, customized packages to get your campaign into the forefront of voters’ minds. The Beat has tens of thousands of unique monthly readers and is an essential resource for local voters.
Also: Not only will your ad go up in front of The Beat’s readers, but the money you put into it will go toward supporting local journalism and news in your region. It is a win-win for all.
Become A Sponsor
The Milpitas Beat also offers sponsorship opportunities to support political candidates and campaigns in gaining more visibility in their community and region. If you’re a candidate and you’d like to partner with us, we would love to connect with you. Below are our Sponsorship programs…
Press Release Program
For a monthly fee, campaigns can send up to 4 press releases per month, which will then be published on The Milpitas Beat’s digital platform. This includes our website, weekly newsletter, and social media, where your content will be made visible to our tens of thousands of monthly readers. This is a strong way of advertising and spreading the word about your campaign’s news or updates. Note: Your sponsorship will be cited at the bottom of each post.
Partner Sponsorship Package
With this package, campaigns receive a dedicated page on our Milpitas Beat site, where you will be able to share an unlimited amount of press releases, news, and updates. You’ll also be able to advertise your campaign through one ongoing advertisement (which you can change as often as you like). Having your own page and content on our website will ensure that you have the platform to increase your visibility to voters.
Get Custom Marketing Services
Local and regional political candidates and campaigns can also go deeper with Custom Marketing Services, provided by Milpitas Beat parent company Chi Media Company…
Campaign Commercials
We can write, shoot, and edit a high-quality campaign commercial or series of commercials that is ready to air on TV, social media, and/or your website. We will use state of the art equipment and technology to deliver an exciting, next-level production that gets your message across in striking form.
Book Ghostwriting
We can ghostwrite a book manuscript sharing a candidate’s life story, complete with tales of their professional and political development, all in page-turning, emotional, publishable form. Political candidates who have books by which to share their stories often forge deeper emotional connections with their voters. This is a way by which voters can get to know you — and yes, we can also help out with the publishing process.
To request our Ad, Sponsorship, & Marketing rates, please feel free to reach us at: