Election Ethics

Milpitas Beat policies relevant to political candidate advertising & marketing services

The Milpitas Beat hereby posts, for the benefit of all readers, voters, political candidates, and other interested parties, its policies relevant to political candidate advertising and marketing services…

  1. In every election cycle, all Milpitas Mayoral, City Council, and School Board candidates shall be offered the opportunity to have a minimum of one (1) exclusive interview with The Milpitas Beat.

  2. In every election cycle, all Milpitas Mayoral, City Council, and School Board candidates shall be offered the opportunity to attend our live-streamed candidate forums, during which all candidates shall be granted equal time, attention, and consideration.

  3. Candidates who purchase advertising and sponsored post packages for Milpitas Beat platforms (this website and social media) are in no way guaranteed favorable coverage in Milpitas Beat news articles or opinion-editorials.

  4. Candidates who purchase advertising and sponsored post packages for Milpitas Beat platforms shall bear no right whatsoever to have any editorial control over any content whatsoever published by The Milpitas Beat.

  5. Candidates who do not purchase advertising and/or sponsored post packages for Milpitas Beat platforms shall likewise not receive less or less favorable coverage by The Milpitas Beat.

  6. Candidates may purchase additional marketing and content development services from Milpitas Beat parent company Chi Media Company, but no written or video content created for candidates by Chi Media Company shall ever, under any circumstances, be published directly on The Milpitas Beat or its platforms. 

  7. Candidates who purchase additional marketing and content development services from Milpitas Beat parent company Chi Media Company are in no way guaranteed favorable coverage in Milpitas Beat news articles or opinion-editorials.

  8. Unfavorable or interpretably unfavorable Milpitas Beat coverage about candidates who have purchased Milpitas Beat advertising or sponsorship packages or Chi Media Company content creation services is in no way a breach of any agreement whatsoever between The Milpitas Beat and/or Chi Media Company and any given candidate customer/client.

  9. The above terms also apply to political candidates who do not campaign in (or strictly in) Milpitas, although such candidates are not guaranteed the equal opportunity coverage described in Terms 1 and 2.

  10. The Milpitas Beat and Chi Media Company’s owners do not provide or hold themselves out as providing any political candidate with political consulting or campaign management services. 

  11. The Milpitas Beat and Chi Media Company’s owners do not campaign on behalf of any political candidates.

  12. The Milpitas Beat is a nonpartisan newspaper. Its nonpartisan stance applies to all of its reporting and all the customers/clients that it and Chi Media Company choose to work with, it being understood that Milpitas Beat opinion-editorials might express personal or partisan viewpoints particular to their authors. Outside the space of opinion-editorials, The Milpitas Beat does not function to endorse any one political party or ideology. 

  13. The Milpitas Beat will never elect to endorse any political candidate strictly on the basis of that candidate having purchased advertising, sponsorship, or other marketing or content creation services from it or Chi Media Company.

The above terms have been devised and shared publicly to prevent any and all political candidates from expecting undue favorable Milpitas Beat coverage in return for purchasing advertising, sponsorship, or other marketing or content creation services from The Milpitas Beat or its parent company Chi Media Company. 

Ads, Sponsorships, & Marketing for Candidates 2022