The Milpitas Beat abides by a strict Code of Ethics. Per our code of ethics, we work tirelessly to ensure that all our reporting is Accurate and Original, Independent and Unbiased, and Not Influenced by our Advertisers, our Patrons, or our Media Clients—whom we work with on marketing assignments. Moreover, we encourage and invite our readers to check our facts and send in corrections or proposed corrections, and to also send in Letters to the Editor and Opinion-Editorials if you take exception to or wish to counter anything that we publish. We are not here to dominate the discussion with a particular agenda or point-of-view, even in the course of publishing Opinion-Editorials, which exist to drive broader discussion and debate.
The Milpitas Beat abides by a strict Code of Ethics. Per our code of ethics, we work tirelessly to ensure that all our reporting conforms to the following standards:
Accurate and Original
All reporting is carried out on the basis of intensive research and fact-checking. No reporting is plagiarized from third-party sources. Any reporting wherein facts are corrected after publication will be so notated so as to publicly record and acknowledge the alteration.
Independent and Unbiased
All editorial decisions are made by the Editor-in-Chief in collaboration with the Content Editor and Reporters/Contributors. No editorial decisions are dictated by parties operating outside of The Milpitas Beat and its parent company, Chi Media Company. No editorial decisions can be influenced by third-party money, persuasion, and/or pressure/threats.
- Not Influenced by our Advertisers, Patrons, or Media Clients.
All Milpitas Beat Advertisers and Patrons are hereby advised in perpetuity that your payments to The Milpitas Beat shall only be made to and accepted by The Milpitas Beat for the sake of receiving Advertising or Subscription services. Likewise, all payments made to The Milpitas Beat’s parent company, Chi Media Company, are accepted for the sake of media consulting, marketing, and content creation services. No payment whatsoever made to The Milpitas Beat or Chi Media Company by any party shall ever serve to influence its content in any way whatsoever, under any circumstances.
Any staff working on Chi Media Company projects for a client will not be permitted to work on any writing assignments for The Milpitas Beat that pertain to that same client—and we will always work with integrity to keep that firewall in place.
Final Note: We encourage and invite our readers to check our facts and send in corrections or proposed corrections, and to also send in Letters to the Editor and/or Opinion-Editorials if you take exception to or wish to counter anything that we publish. We are not here to dominate the discussion with a particular agenda or point-of-view, even in the course of publishing Opinion-Editorials, which exist to drive broader discussion and debate.