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Tuesday, February 18, 2025
NewsCommunityThe Milpitas Beat Wants to Hear Your Voice

The Milpitas Beat Wants to Hear Your Voice



The Milpitas Beat wants to put the word out, loud and clear:

We want your Opinion-Editorial pieces and Letters To The Editor.

The Milpitas Beat is about your city. As such, it is about your voice. Accordingly, it is imperative, at all times, that we are hearing from you.

Tell us what you’re thinking. Send us your thoughts, comments, questions, concerns. Oppose our positions. Shine light on our blind spots. And, whenever possible, also take out the time to rain heavy praise upon us.

No, seriously: We don’t want our paper’s content to be the last word when it comes to Milpitas. Instead, we want it to be the FIRST word. In other words, if it’s a sealed-off bubble or an echo chamber, The Milpitas Beat fails miserably.

What’s needed, to keep this publication and this city healthy, is the contribution of your voice.

So please chime in. Our door is open. This invitation is non-expiring. Bring up things that happened yesterday; bring up stuff that went down months ago.

This digital newspaper exists to enrich, enhance, deepen, sharpen, and nourish the collective consciousness of Milpitas. The more voices opt in, the better taken care of that mission is. Think of this paper as your own. Not in terms of an ownership share (yeah, right!), in terms of it being an extension of your community, and thus your personal voice.

When we publish an Opinion-Editorial, we never delude ourselves into thinking that we’re covering all conceivable angles or conveying the entirety of applicable truth. On the contrary, we’re working to stimulate a robust dialogue, with some in agreement, others in opposition, and many somewhere in between. This is good for community, and for democracy.

As this isn’t about us; it’s about YOU.

We’re the first word; you’re the last.

We do hope to hear from you soon.




Eric Shapiro
Eric Shapiro
Eric Shapiro is a writer & filmmaker. As a screenwriter, he’s won a Fade In Award and written numerous feature films in development by companies including WWE, Mandalay Sports Media, Game1, and Select Films. He is also the resident script doctor for Rebel Six Films (producers of A&E’s “Hoarders”). As a journalist, Eric’s won a California Journalism Award and is co-owner and editor of The Milpitas Beat, a Silicon Valley newspaper with tens of thousands of monthly readers that has won the Golden Quill Award as well as the John Swett Award for Media Excellence. As a filmmaker, Eric’s directed award-winning feature films that have premiered at the Fantasia Film Festival, Fantastic Fest, and Shriekfest, and been endorsed by PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). Eric’s apocalyptic novella “It’s Only Temporary” appears next to Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” on Nightmare Magazine’s list of the 100 Best Horror Novels of All Time. He lives in Northern California with his wife, Rhoda, and their two sons.


  1. You ask for comment ,and I sent you one via email a while back. The comment was about Bob Nunez, Milpitas City Council member. I made reference to the fact that he has had many legal problems in the City of Riverside, CA. I also cited facts related to his getting kicked out of the Riverside School District for illegal acts. He was actually walked off the premises. I really believe this is important to the citizens of Milpitas and the council members that represent them.

    • The comment on Councilman Nunez is interesting. I haven’t figured out how he got the votes to become a Councilman. It appears he moved to Milpitas because he had the best chance of getting elected and apparently is only interested in getting ahead politically.

  2. The Milpitas Beat is a good and informative source of information for the community. I also like the internet layout of pictures and articles combined. In addition, the calendar of events.
    Thank you for your continued support to Milpitas.


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