Dear Editor:
This letter regards Congressman Ro Khanna’s Milpitas Townhall on the 2020 Census, a public event that I was invited to and attended. The panelists were from the Federal and Santa Clara County Census offices and were joined by representatives from Community-Based Organizations. The workshop was very informative and timely. Here are personal excerpts from the panel discussions and material handouts…
How do you take the Census?
The Census asks 9 questions including name, birthday, sex, and race. There are three ways to respond – online, phone, and mail.
Who needs to be counted?
Anyone living in the United States regardless of citizenship, residency status, language, culture, and more. Anyone and everyone must be counted!
Note: The Department of Commerce proposed to include citizenship status on the Census. Last April, 2019, the Supreme Court ruled against this.
Where do you take the Census?
– Anywhere using the internet on your smartphone
– At Questionnaire Assisted Centers located at your local libraries, churches, community events, shelters, food pantry, soup kitchens, homeless encampments, kiosks at shopping centers, and any community-based organizations.
When can you take the Census?
Starting March 12, 2020. It will take 10 minutes.
The Census information is protected by law. No government agency can access your Census response – not law enforcement, ICE, or cities.
Why participate in the Census?
Every person counted on the Census means funding for our community schools, healthcare, transportation, affordable housing, first responders, and more.
The statistics are used to determine our state’s representation in Congress and to inform the allocation of more than $675 billion in federal funding annually.
The Census information is important in:
- Affordable Housing Count
Counting everyone will help demonstrate our housing shortage and win funding to fix it.
- Stronger School Count
A full count will help fund our schools and improve programs for our students.
- Better Health Care Counts
A complete count will help improve the health care services we need.
- Safer Neighborhood Count
An accurate count will help first responders plan for emergencies and secure the funding to face them.
April 1, 2020 is Census Day!
Every household will receive an invitation to participate in Census 2020.
Office of the Census
Evelyn Chua
Milpitas Resident