Name: Hon Lien
(Currently serving as a Board Member on Milpitas Unified School District’s Board of Education)
Running for: Milpitas City Council
Why are you running?
My family had countless opportunities in this country and I am dedicated to serving our community as a way to give back. I served 6 years as an elected official in my role as Milpitas Unified School District (MUSD) School Board Trustee. I have proven my leadership on many different committees and commissions. I believe I have the leadership capabilities to serve our community. I want to continue realizing the American Dream for all people of Milpitas.
What’s the biggest problem facing Milpitas right now? And how would you intend to solve it?
Housing and Homelessness. We must focus on affordable housing for our community. We need to develop a plan to apply for the money at the State level to focus on affordable housing. Milpitas needs to increase the number of homes by speeding up projects already approved. To solve homelessness, we have to join with other cities to create a partnership and find solutions to effectively address the issues. I am looking forward to working with the newly-elected mayor and councilmembers to make Milpitas a better city for all families.
What would your priorities be should you get elected?
Public Safety: Our quality of life in the city starts with us not only feeling, but being safe.
Homelessness: Listen to the community and homeowners to make sure we protect their property and their safety. We need to work with the county to provide resources and treatments for a safe environment for our Milpitas residents and the unhoused.
Affordable Housing: I will work with the Council to apply for the funds at State level to ensure Sunnyhills Apartments remains Affordable Housing for our low-income members of the community.
What can you bring to the table that you feel no other candidate can bring?
Dedication, time and participation. I am a proven strong leader with a voice for the community. I have been dedicated over a decade to serve with organizations in Milpitas such as the Planning Commission, Rotary Club, and Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Committee. I retired after selling all my businesses and have plenty of time for public service. I have great people skills, connections with business owners, and I will reach out to city councils from cities surrounding us to work together for the betterment of our city.
Where do you see Milpitas 10 years from now?
We will have more housing, more mixed-use development. A vibrant area near main street. An updated transportation plan. More schools and pre-schools. A Public Safety team
that others pray to join. Our streets and parks will be kept updated. A government that is respected in the county. A city where people want to raise their families.
Who is your inspiration, and why?
Queen Elizabeth II. Because she is a people’s Queen. So royal but so loving and compassionate.
Can you tell us one interesting thing about yourself that other people don’t really know about?
My relationship with my kids. Very motherly but full of love and care, understanding and support. I’ve taught juveniles how to arrange flowers. I love cooking and making delicious spring rolls, and I love traveling.
What’s your favorite spot in Milpitas?
Home is my favorite spot. I grew up with my parents, 7 brothers, and 4 sisters. We support one another throughout life. I have 4 children and we always spend time traveling, talking, and learning from each other. Home is where I find happiness and peace.
What do you think is the most exciting thing happening in Milpitas right now?
The upcoming election. The new faces leading the city. As a new elected official, I plan to bring all the community together in a cultural, international celebration. This is a day for all to showcase their specialty and for all of us to learn and embrace different cultures.
What do you love most about Milpitas?
A big enough small city but very diverse. We have differences but still know how to resolve those with a peaceful and dignified manner.