At a special Milpitas City Council meeting held on February 26, residents Timothy Alcorn and Bill Chuan were appointed to 2 open seats on the Planning Commission.
Chuan, who works as a Director of Sales Engineering at Flex, has lived in Milpitas since 2008. “It’s an awesome opportunity to be able to make an impact on Milpitas,” said Chuan, whose wife, Kelly Yip-Chuan, was elected last November to serve on the Milpitas Unified School District’s Board of Education. With his strong engineering background and his experience in planning at work, Chuan is confident that he’ll be able to contribute a lot to the community.
Alcorn has lived in Milpitas for his entire life — over 23 years. He has worked in the housing development industry since he was 18, and feels he has picked up a great deal of experience that will support him in serving on the Planning Commission: “It’s very exciting. I’m very happy to be able to use my skill for the city, and at the same time, learn even more about the city.” Alcorn currently works in building maintenance at the Christ Community Church of Milpitas.
The next Planning Commission meeting will be held on March 13, 2019, at 6pm in the Milpitas City Hall Council Chambers.