Earlier today, June 9, a human trafficking and pimping investigation that had lasted two years concluded with arrests in Milpitas.
The investigation was conducted by Milpitas Police Department (MPD) detectives and Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office investigators. Husband and wife Milpitas residents David Davies (57) and Larong Hu (38) were booked into Santa Clara County Jail on charges of pimping and pandering and felony conspiracy, and saw their bail set at $350,000.
The arrests mark the culmination of an investigation that began in December, 2019, after authorities discovered that a brothel was being run within Milpitas city limits. As the digging unfolded, more brothels were found across Santa Clara County. Subsequently, search warrants were served not only in Milpitas, but in Palo Alto and San Jose.
Six female victims were discovered. Two million dollars meanwhile was seized.
A resource for human trafficking victims called Community Solutions was tasked with servicing the victims.
In a press release put out this evening, MPD personnel wrote, If you or someone you know are the victim of Human Trafficking, please call 9-1-1 immediately or call the 24-Hour National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888. Callers can also reach the hotline by texting 233733 to initiate online chats. Human Trafficking victims, whether U.S. Citizens or not, are eligible for services including immigration assistance.
Additional services are also available through community and county-based programs, such as:
Community Solutions – https://communitysolutions.org/
South Bay Coalition to End Human Trafficking – https://southbayendtrafficking.org/
2-1-1 for community resources throughout the U.S.
Freedom House – The Nest – https://sfcaht.org/freedom-house–the-nest.html
Santa Clara County Gateway Program –https://santaclara.networkofcare.org/mh/services/
Bill Wilson Center – 24/7 Teen Line 1 (888) 247-7717 – Services for homeless and runaway teens – http://youthspace.org/
Uplift Family Services – (408) 379-9085 – Behavioral and health services for youth and families, including crisis care, foster care and adoption –https://upliftfs.org/our…/services-by-region/bay-area/
Motivating, Inspiring, Supporting & Serving Sexually Exploited Youth – https://misssey.org/
A 2 year, 4 city wide investigation on Human Trafficking and all you come up with is “4 females and 2 million dollars “? Also, you “set bail” for these Professional PEDOPHILES at $350,000? Who’s running this dog and pony show out there, Mickey Mouse?
For the rest of the girls and women out there I hope this is just the beginning of your investigation!