At last Tuesday’s Milpitas Unified School District (MUSD) board meeting, the Knights of Columbus St. Elizabeth Council 8747 announced that they had recently decided to award the district with a $10,000 grant.
Dedicated to supporting programs at Milpitas High School Special Education (specifically the Special Education Life Skills Lab), this grant will go a long way toward supporting students with intellectual disabilities.
“It’s an honor to be here,” said Grand Night Gwan Alisantosa at the board meeting. “And as you all know, the Knights of Columbus is no stranger to the Milpitas Unified School District. We have worked together for many years even long before my involvement with the Knights of Columbus. And every year we raise funds for people with intellectual disabilities…”
The actual check was presented to the district just a week before, on September 1.
Earlier this year, in February, the St. Elizabeth Council also donated $6,509.43 in proceeds from their annual fundraising program to the district. That brings the total up to $16,509.43 for 2020 contributions made to MUSD.
“We know every year that our local Knights of Columbus is very generous in contributing funds to our high school and post secondary classes that serve our students with the most exceptional needs,” said MUSD Superintendent Cheryl Jordan at the meeting.
In a recent press release, the Knights of Columbus St. Elizabeth Council 8747 “…expressed gratitude to officers, members, donors, supporters, St. Elizabeth Parish community, school officials, teachers, parents, students and all volunteers for the strong support to make this possible.”