Kansen Chu, who is currently running for Assembly District 24, is fiercely against all instances of “dark money” in political campaigns. Dark money, money contributed to campaigns and candidates from undisclosed sources that influence political outcomes, has been at the forefront of discussions between Democrats and Republicans, as both parties have accused the other of dark money contributions.
Regardless of political affiliation, many are concerned with the potential of politicians being “bought” out with money or being significantly influenced by campaign contributions in their actions after being elected.
Chu is adamant that the contributions that political candidates receive should not directly influence their views. Chu has had over 3,000 individuals contribute to his current campaign for Assemblyman and is extremely grateful for the support he has received from community members—however, no single contribution, no matter how large, influences his views. “The contributions I receive do not direct my views,” Chu wrote in a recent open email to supporters and potential constituents, “rather, they show me how my views align with the people that I want to deliver for. So, I promise to never be bought by any particular contributions and will always fight for all members of AD-24.”
Also relevant to these discussions is Assembly bill 1819 (AB 1819), a bill that bars foreign government influence on local elections, but also bans any businesses owned by immigrants or people with foreign backgrounds from participating in elections and contributing to campaigns.
Chu is in firm agreement with the sentiment that foreign governments cannot be involved with elections in the United States. However, he opposes the idea that legal, immigrant-owned businesses and foreign non-government entrepreneurs who own businesses should not be allowed to participate in contributions.
Chu, who emigrated to the US from Taiwan in 1976, believes that those who legally operate within the US should be allowed to participate in campaign contributions, as they pay taxes and provide employment for local workers.
Chu addressed this in his email: “I firmly believe that immigrant members of our communities benefit our economies as well as our culture and diversity. As a previous business owner, I believe these community members should have the opportunity to gain a voice in politics by making contributions through their businesses. (…) I’m proud that contributions to my campaign reflect our community’s support of diversity and people of all backgrounds.”
For more information on Kansen Chu’s platform, please visit https://kansenchu.com/.
This post was paid for by Kansen Chu for Assembly FPPC # 1440742.
I agree with Mr. Chu that “immigrant members of our communities benefit our economies as well as our culture and diversity.” I disagree with his support of campaign finance loopholes that allow foreign governments to corrupt our elections with their piles of money. Both the Muller Report and the one from the Senate Intelligence Committee conclude that Russia conducted a sophisticated and aggressive campaign to influence the 2016 U.S. election. https://www.npr.org/2020/08/18/903616315/senate-releases-final-report-on-russias-interference-in-2016-election
Assembly Bill 1819 (AB 1819), if passed, will bar foreign government influence on local elections. Sponsored by current Assembly member Alex Lee, it is required because the right-wing, authoritarian judges on the Supreme Court declared that money is speech. To truly overcome that violation of our democracy will require a Constitutional Amendment — such as HJR 48 (https://www.movetoamend.org/amendment).
Until then, the one litmus test We the People have is whether a candidates accepts money from corporations, or just people. Alex Lee is a corporate-free candidate, as noted at https://southbaypa.org/issues/endorsements/.