In mid-September, an unfamiliar woman approached Ana Naranjo’s apartment door. She then handed Naranjo a sheet of paper, demanding that she sign it.
Milpitas is crackling with diversity.
Various cultures and languages fill every block, every crevice, of the City, finding expression in a myriad of ways,...
At the October 16 Milpitas City Council meeting, Chair Christie Maly and Vice Chair Ravit Sharma (both high schoolers) from the Youth Advisory Commission...
The Milpitas Beat wants to put the word out, loud and clear:
We want your Opinion-Editorial pieces and Letters To The Editor.
The Milpitas Beat is about...
When expired, unwanted, or unused, prescription drugs are a magnet for trouble. The ingestion thereof spurs chemical abuse and illness. And the mere presence...
When Milpitas Unified School District (MUSD) Board Vice-President Chris Norwood put the word out about “The Future of Milpitas Education” event he was hosting, his...
When different generations merge, the stage is set for potentially extraordinary things.
The extraordinary certainly happened last Wednesday morning, September 26, at an Intergenerational Event...
Over the last few weeks, the Economic Development Commission has been preparing to help craft the Milpitas General Plan. With Deputy City Manager Steve...