43.3 F
Tuesday, February 18, 2025


Letters to the Editor

Supporting public safety and funding our police

Dear Editor: I have made it clear during the course of this campaign that I take a back seat to no one in terms of...

Prop 16 and Californians For Equal Rights

Dear Editor: The road to hell is usually paved with good intentions. In democracies, it can jeopardise the very promise of life, liberty and the...

Assault on First Amendment by Milpitas City Government & Staff

I am alarmed by the assault of our right to free speech at Public Forums at City Council Meetings. Especially in light of issues...

Elected officials can’t delete social media posts; they’re considered public records

Dear Editor: Public Records may not be a blockbuster topic.  Though it should be... Public Records have been a systemic problem and sore subject for the...

Open letter: Shocked by City Councilmember’s unprofessional and unfounded claim

Mr. Bob Nuñez, Watching the City Council meeting on September 15, 2020, I was taken back and appalled that someone as seasoned as you, Mr....

Carmen Montano: “I have been told that it is a councilmember who is orchestrating these attacks…”

Dear Editor: In all my years of public service I have never witnessed such vicious, mean-spirited attacks on council members, which has included myself being...

Vice Mayor Nuñez issues apology & calls for greater transparency in public comments

Dear Editor: On Sept. 22, The Milpitas Beat published an article referencing a recent Facebook video I posted expressing my deep concern over the disrespectful...

Letter to the Editor: Where were you when we needed you?

Another day, another proclamation of success by the president. In the meantime 1,000 people a day are dying from Covid-19. On March 18th, Mr....

Letter to the Editor: Proposed hotel on Jacklin-Hillview

Dear Editor:   My dental office for the past 29 years has been located next to the former racquetball courts/gymnasium that was proposed to be redeveloped...

A letter from Councilmember Dominguez: “Our current Mayor seems more focused on his priorities than our city’s”

Dear Milpitas - my friends and my neighbors, Thank you for affording me the opportunity to serve you and thank you for your support.  We have...

Letter to the Editor: The natural wonder that is Higuera Park

Dear Editor: Congratulations Milpitas Beat and a special thank you to Joseph Ehardt for beginning to share some of the Milpitas historic treasures that are...

Response from California State Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez to Eric Shapiro’s open letter calling for repeal of AB5

Dear Mr. Shapiro, This message is in response to the piece you wrote and published in your news outlet the Milpitas Beat--“Open letter to California...

The other first responders: Milpitas Public Works

When we think of First Responders, we tend to think of, appreciate, and thank our healthcare workers, mailmen, farmers, grocery workers, drivers, delivery personnel,...

Contrails and Climate Change

Let's start off with a few words about ConTrails. Some clear day you may look to the sky and see a long straight white...

Democracy dies at last Milpitas City Council meeting

Dear Editor: It took exactly 5 hours 15 minutes and 29 seconds for democracy to be snuffed out at the most recent special City Council...

The Essence of Ramadhan

Dear Editor, Ramadhan is a time for fasting for the Muslims. But abstaining from food and drink from sunup to sundown isn’t the only thing...

Local Milpitas company donates 2,000 surgical masks in COVID-19 pandemic relief effort

Dear Editor:  Golden Altos Corp. has donated 2,000 surgical and N95 masks to healthcare workers at El Camino Hospital in Mountain View, who need them to continue...

Why not Milpitas?

Dear Editor: Since 1986, we have been living in this beautiful city, which many refer to as the Gem of Silicon Valley. There are good...

La Quinta Paradox

Dear Editor: I read the article where three members of the Milpitas city council voted to nix the La Quinta 150-room motel at 1000 Jacklin Rd. and was confounded....

Letter to the Editor: Disappointed about story on possible emergency shelter

Dear Editor,  I was disappointed in the Beat’s story (April 8, 2020) about Supervisor Cortese’s memorandum regarding a possible emergency shelter in Milpitas. You focussed...

Facts vs Fiction, regarding the La Quinta Hotel project

Dear Editor:  On March 27 a neighborhood group calling themselves the Voice of Milpitas sent a letter to the Milpitas Beat concerning the La Quinta...

Voice of Milpitas group opposes La Quinta Hotel in Hillview Neighborhood

Dear Editor: The broader neighborhood sprang into action late last October when those within 1,000 feet of the corner of Hillview Drive and Jacklin Road...

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