One of two Milpitas City Councilmembers running for State Assembly District 25 — which covers Milpitas, Fremont, Newark, San Jose, and Santa Clara — Carmen Montano is giving this race all she’s got. Here’s a recent interview she did with The Beat:
Why are you running for State Assembly?
I want to represent the people of this state to put forth ideas that will better serve the people. I want cities to have more local control. I feel that there is not enough accountability on how people’s tax dollars are being spent.
What is one of the biggest challenges in our district, and how would you solve it?
One of the biggest challenges to our District is traffic congestion. To alleviate this problem, I would propose allowing a tax deduction for those who use Mass Transit.
We also need to find alternative solutions such as better road infrastracture connections that provide seamless routes in the Bay Area for people to get to and from their jobs.
How would your experience as a Vice Mayor and Councilmember in Milpitas help you in taking on the role of Assmeblymember, should you get elected?
My experience serving as City Councilmember and Vice Mayor of Milpitas will help me with issues that have come before us on the City Council. Cities deal with many state legislative changes or new laws that affect what cities can and can’t do. My experience will help me make decisions that help cities. It is so important to advocate for cities to have more local control.
Tell us something about yourself that people might not know about you.
I am a K-12 credentialed Teacher. I have a Bachelor of Arts degree from San Jose State University. I have lived in Milpitas since 1964. We are 3 generations in Milpitas. I was raised in Sunnyhills and attended public schools here. I attended Samuel Ayer HS while MHS was being built, and graduated from Milpitas High School. Back then, we were called The Patriots.
I am the Co-founder of the Sunnyhills Improvement Association, formed in 1992. I served on the Parks & Recreation Commission, Library Commission, and Planning Commission in the City of Milpitas.
Experience is the best teacher. I was elected to the Board of Education of MUSD and served for 8 years. I currently serve on the First 5 Commission and Juvenile Justice Commission of Santa Clara County. I have served on various other Commissions and Boards in the county. I have served on several community service clubs such as Kiwanis, Rotary, and Lions Executive Club.
I am the mother of two adult children, one of whom serves in the military, and have 3 grandchildren that attend Milpitas Public schools. I love Milpitas and am proud that we are 3 generations strong in Milpitas!
Why should voters elect you?
I have the Experience as a City Councilmember and School Board Member and currently serve on many committees that deal with statewide issues. I have over 30 years of community service experience, and having that background knowledge is critical when making decisions that create laws that will affect society as a whole. Actions speak louder than words; I was able to accomplish many things while serving the citizens of Milpitas. My most recent ones are forming the Transportation Subcommittee and Housing Subcommittee. On the Housing Subcommittee, we the City Council approved the Milpitas Assistance Program.
This is why it is so important that the people that represent you have the experience, background knowledge, and common sense values to represent the people at large.
To learn more about Carmen Montano, go to: