“At a time when we as a society should be seeking racial healing, Councilmember Nuñez is tossing gasoline on the fires of racial division in our community,” said Milpitas City Council candidate Suraj Viswanathan on Tuesday.
Suraj’s comments come in response to a campaign video released by Nuñez which claims that Council candidate Evelyn Chua made racist and disparaging comments about Latinos on the City Council. “Nuñez himself admits to not hearing Evelyn ever make these comments, but he goes ahead and says she has done so regardless. This is irresponsible and unethical and goes to the heart of why I issued the Personal Pledge to Milpitas Voters last week.”
“At a time when our country is suffering from racial unrest and turmoil, we don’t need a member of the Council fanning the flames of division in our own community. I know Evelyn and she is an outstanding representative of the Asian community. Having been a victim of discrimination myself, I think I know a racist when I see one. I don’t believe Ms. Chua to be a racist. She deserves an apology from Councilmember Nuñez.”
Suraj re-emphasized his Pledge which vows to stick to issues and the public record and performance of the Council, not rumormongering, anonymous Facebook “hits,” trolling, and other conduct. “Now I see why Bob Nunez wouldn’t sign the Pledge.”
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