Thinking of running for office in Milpitas this year?
Starting on Monday, July 16, at 8am, the City Clerk will make nomination papers available for candidates who are interested in getting on the upcoming November 6th ballot, to run for Mayor (a two year term) or City Council (a four year term).
Candidate filing will end on August 10, at 5pm.
According to the City of Milpitas’ Election and Candidate Guidelines, in order to be eligible, “an individual must be a registered voter at his/her current residence address within the corporate City limits of Milpitas at the time nomination papers are issued for his or her candidacy.”
Nomination papers can be picked up from the City Clerk, on the 3rd floor of Milpitas City Hall, at 455 E. Calaveras Blvd. in Milpitas.
For more information on filing, have a look at this document: Candidate Guidelines 2018.